Wednesday, 17 April 2024

David Parker of Take Back Alberta joins a Diagolon livestream

On Saturday David Parker of Take Back Alberta joined a livestream hosted by a member of the far-right Diagolon extremist community. Zach Schmidt held the discussion panel about Western Separation.

Zach in the past has recited the Neo-Nazi 14 words slogan, expressed support for Holocaust denial and made reference to "the Jewish question".
The subject of immigration came up during the live stream, and to David's credit he made some statements that were supportive of immigration.
But the moment that Zach knocked everyone off the stream he made it clear that he is against David's stance on immigration and read a comment from a viewer that "Canada is for the white man".
A couple days after his live stream with David Parker, Zach interviewed Neo-Nazi Nicholas Jonathan Gregory from Night Nation Review.

There is more than enough evidence as to why associating with Diagolon is problematic(here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here), but let's take a look at some of the things said by Diagolon live streamers just this week.
Content warning going forward: racism, racial slurs

Here Jeremy Mackenzie bluntly states that he hates Indians.
Alex Vriend does the same....
... and wants to kick them out of the country.
Ferryman and other Dags are starting to migrate over to "", which is a website run by the white supremacist group Goyim Defense League. The GDL are known for holding demonstrations in front of synagogues while holding swastika flags.
Here Derek Harrison "jokes" about Muslims getting run over by an ambulance. That seems to be a pattern with him.
Lesser known Diagolon streamer Chris Freestone says that he doesn't want "j**ts and n****rs" in his neighbourhood and compares people of colour to skunks. It also sounds like he was yelling this at people from the front of his house.
On the same stream Chris claims that "We'll make Hitler look like a joke", and Tom McCue refers to Jews as rats.
So this is the movement that former UCP staffer David Parker is now choosing to associate with. I wonder if he still has access to Danielle Smith.

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Saxon Murray

Thread: January 30, 2023 I've written about Veterans 4 Freedom a few times regarding ...