Sunday 22 September 2024

Jeremy Mackenzie wishes for genocide against Jews and more Diagolon hate speech

For years I have been documenting the rhetoric coming from the Diagolon movement, and in a few instances I feel they have been caught crossing into illegal hate speech (example, example, example, example) but lately some of their more prominent streamers have been pushing closer to that line.

Content warning: hate speech, racist slurs

We begin with Diagolon's creator Jeremy Mackenzie. A few weeks ago he recorded a live stream where he was more unhinged than usual which is saying a lot. Allegedly he's having difficulty paying his bills due to financial restrictions that have been placed on him(take with a grain of salt) and of course it's the fault of everyone else.
In this clip he states that he's only going to get worse and become a terrorist because.... reasons. He also states that he wishes Indian people would have been "genocided" because his internet isn't working.

He then goes on to say that he's ready to become violent and start killing people.
After that he blames the Jews for his financial problems(shocking, I know) and states that he hopes that the Jews/Israel get wiped out.
He also states that people need to collectivize and start deporting people. Sure sounds like "tribe and train" isn't about self defense.
He says that everyone else should be destitute, which is hilarious considering what he's supposedly going through with finances.
Hey Jeremy, have you thought about not being an internet Nazi? No? Okay then.
On another stream Tom Mccue calls in and Jeremy tells him and his audience that they should fight the police to the death if they attempt to arrest them for hate speech.
Speaking of Tom McCue he recently invited Neo-Nazi Andreas Johansson, the "hey buddy guy" on a live stream. The background of the live stream looked like this:
Not very subtle.
During the stream Andreas identifies himself as a member of the Nordic Resistance Movement which is a Neo-Nazi organization that has been deemed a terrorist group by the United States government.
Andreas claims that "some people" refer to the Jews as parasites, and Tom McCue calls Jews "rats" which is a statement he has made in the past.
Diagolon supporter Marcella Hall engaged in some anti-Indigenous hate speech recently as well, even though she claims to be 1/4 Indigenous.
Alex Vriend complains that some people on their side are struggling with the overt racism they're seeing, and Alex's response to that is that if they can't stomach the offensive language then they won't have the ability to physically deport people.
Alex also says that he wants to "shoot Indians in the face" if they don't leave after they're asked.
Finally Alex and Derek Harrison refer to "Pakis" as "bio-weapons" and say they pollute everything and destroy infrastructure.
Canada has laws against hate speech. That includes advocating genocide and inciting hatred against an identifiable group, one hallmark of which is comparing an identifiable group to vermin. I'm not a legal expert, but Diagolon appear to be pushing the boundaries of those laws.

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Jeremy Mackenzie wishes for genocide against Jews and more Diagolon hate speech

For years I have been documenting the rhetoric coming from the Diagolon movement, and in a few instances I feel they have been caught cross...