Monday, 5 August 2024

Pickering City Councillor Lisa Robinson Appears on Livestream with Kevin J Johnston While He Defames Threatens and Encourages Harassment of Her Fellow Councillors

Recently a city councillor from Pickering, Ontario who has a history of making racist, Islamophobic, and transphobic remarks was interviewed by racist, Islamophobic, transphobic and Holocaust denying live streamer Kevin J Johnston. It's reprehensible that an elected member at any level of government would speak with Kevin J Johnston who has been charged with wilful promotion of hatred, lost 2 massive defamation suits(here, here), was convicted of harassment, assault, and contempt of court, and has now fled the country to Costa Rica, but let's take a look at what was said during this particular live stream.

Before Lisa joins Kevin starts off the live stream by fantasizing about the Pickering nuclear plant melting down and blowing up Toronto with a nuclear bomb. Great choice for an interview Lisa.

Immediately afterwards he says that transgender people should be beaten with brass knuckles.
Kevin makes some Islamophobic statements regarding a Muslim city councillor for Pickering.
Lisa states that people were sending her money during her 60 day suspension. All levels of government have strict rules about accepting money while you're an elected representative. I don't know whether she properly claimed the money. I do know that far-right group Veterans 4 Freedom were among the people sending her funds.
Kevin J Johnston sends Lisa off the screen for a bit while he claims that Pickering is "run by pedophiles". Afterwards (not shown in clip) he posts all of the contact information for the mayor and city councillors.
Kevin then encourages his audience to harass(his word) the Pickering city councillors.
Kevin provides a disclaimer for why he takes Lisa off the screen in a meaningless attempt to protect her.
Kevin then encourages his audience to harass Pickering city council (my words), while she is still on screen.
Kevin then states that the Pickering city councillors should be removed by force, again while Lisa is on the screen and not objecting. He also states that he could beat all of the other councillors in a boxing match at the same time. I've seen Kevin J Johnston throw a punch, trust me, he couldn't.
I must say I really feel for the rest of the Pickering city council who have to work with Lisa Robinson. She is speaking with people that are openly trying to harm them and it's being broadcast to who knows how many people. I can't say whether the other councillors have received any harassment or threats since this live stream but it may be worth reaching out to them.

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Saxon Murray

Thread: January 30, 2023 I've written about Veterans 4 Freedom a few times regarding ...