Sunday, 22 September 2024

Jeremy Mackenzie wishes for genocide against Jews and more Diagolon hate speech

For years I have been documenting the rhetoric coming from the Diagolon movement, and in a few instances I feel they have been caught crossing into illegal hate speech (example, example, example, example) but lately some of their more prominent streamers have been pushing closer to that line.

Content warning: hate speech, racist slurs

We begin with Diagolon's creator Jeremy Mackenzie. A few weeks ago he recorded a live stream where he was more unhinged than usual which is saying a lot. Allegedly he's having difficulty paying his bills due to financial restrictions that have been placed on him(take with a grain of salt) and of course it's the fault of everyone else.
In this clip he states that he's only going to get worse and become a terrorist because.... reasons. He also states that he wishes Indian people would have been "genocided" because his internet isn't working.

He then goes on to say that he's ready to become violent and start killing people.
After that he blames the Jews for his financial problems(shocking, I know) and states that he hopes that the Jews/Israel get wiped out.
He also states that people need to collectivize and start deporting people. Sure sounds like "tribe and train" isn't about self defense.
He says that everyone else should be destitute, which is hilarious considering what he's supposedly going through with finances.
Hey Jeremy, have you thought about not being an internet Nazi? No? Okay then.
On another stream Tom Mccue calls in and Jeremy tells him and his audience that they should fight the police to the death if they attempt to arrest them for hate speech.
Speaking of Tom McCue he recently invited Neo-Nazi Andreas Johansson, the "hey buddy guy" on a live stream. The background of the live stream looked like this:
Not very subtle.
During the stream Andreas identifies himself as a member of the Nordic Resistance Movement which is a Neo-Nazi organization that has been deemed a terrorist group by the United States government.
Andreas claims that "some people" refer to the Jews as parasites, and Tom McCue calls Jews "rats" which is a statement he has made in the past.
Diagolon supporter Marcella Hall engaged in some anti-Indigenous hate speech recently as well, even though she claims to be 1/4 Indigenous.
Alex Vriend complains that some people on their side are struggling with the overt racism they're seeing, and Alex's response to that is that if they can't stomach the offensive language then they won't have the ability to physically deport people.
Alex also says that he wants to "shoot Indians in the face" if they don't leave after they're asked.
Finally Alex and Derek Harrison refer to "Pakis" as "bio-weapons" and say they pollute everything and destroy infrastructure.
Canada has laws against hate speech. That includes advocating genocide and inciting hatred against an identifiable group, one hallmark of which is comparing an identifiable group to vermin. I'm not a legal expert, but Diagolon appear to be pushing the boundaries of those laws.

Sunday, 15 September 2024

The Jason Lavigne Show is a platform for racists

The Jason Lavigne Show has always leaned to the right, and has most notably provided supportive coverage of the Coutts 4 trials. Jason has on occasion used his platform to help sanitize the images of open racists such as Kevin J Johnston, and Diagolon streamers Jeremy Mackenzie, Derek Harrison and Morgan Guptil. He asked Alex Vriend to join him on the show, but he doesn't seem interested.
Recently Jason decided to host a racist hot stove panel with guests such as self-described white nationalist Bethan Nodwell, Joanna Evenson(aka: Blonde Bigot) who currently has a human rights complaint filed against her, and Christine Loughead who was arrested last month for wilful promotion of hatred and public incitement of hatred. According to a copy of the summons that was posted to social media, Loughead is not supposed to have access to the internet.

Jason hosted the stream well after her initial arrest on August 7th.
Let's dive into the live stream. Jason starts off by calling for "tolerance" of other people's views. Quite the thing to stay for someone hosting a bunch of racists on his show.
He also states that he's not sure exactly what Christine said that she was charged for. Well here's a few potential candidates Jason. Maybe you should have looked into this before you clamored to her defense.
Jason brings lawyer Barry W. Bussey on the show. He makes a similar statement trying to distance himself from the racists that he's speaking with. Jason also states that no one is being provided with legal advice on the show, which is smart because I don't think Christine shouldn't even be on it
Bethan Nodwell discusses her appearance on a white nationalist Twitter(X) space where she questioned the Holocaust. That space included members of the Neo-Nazi Goyim Defense League. But according to her she just stumbled on there in the middle of the night.
Nodwell tries to down play the extreme rhetoric coming from Diagolon and from Loughead. She claims that the government is radicalizing people into extremism and that she's not surprised people feel compelled to fly Nazi flags outside their homes. So racism is everyone else's fault.
Speaking of support for Nazis, here are some recent tweets from Christine Loughead.
Anyway, Joanna Evenson is up next. And she seems to believe that there should be no consequences for the hateful things that they say. That's not how anything works of course.
Jason claims that none of the speech by the three women on the panel weren't targeted at anyone which is blatantly untrue. As previously mentioned, Evenson is facing a human rights complaint for targeting a teacher. He claims that none of it is incitement when Loughead has openly called for Jews and "brown" people to be deported from the country. It's clear that he and Bussey didn't look into anything these people have said.
Nodwell claims that the world is becoming "hostile" to white children. This while she streams with people calling for the deportation of non-white people.
Christine Loughead hints that she's a believer in the white replacement/genocide myth which isn't at all shocking.
Loughead then goes on a blatantly racist rant where she claims that non-white Europeans who live in Canada are "bio-weapons". Great guest you brought on your show Jason.
Loughead says she would prefer a white homogeneous society which clearly isn't surprising.
She refers to non-white immigrants as an "invasion". Jason states that Christine "isn't completely wrong" and compares immigration to people "coming into your home".
Bussey offers some push back by discussing the history of Canada and it's genocide against indigenous people, but then claims that newer immigrants aren't properly assimilating.
Jason still goes on to say he largely agrees with Christine. Then Blonde Bigot says that she was tolerant of "Chinatowns, Greektowns, and Little Italys", but she now "sees Indians everywhere" and doesn't like how things have changed. This is why racists are so ridiculous. Do they even know why they're mad?
She then claims that beaches are dirty because of Indians. As if white people don't litter. Give me a break.
Nodwell states that "old stock Canadians" (white people) are going to start becoming "hostile". She also supports what Christine has been saying.
Jason's wife Paula also claims that newer immigrants aren't assimilating.
Jason Lavigne comes real close to reciting the 14 words, and states that he is boycotting Tim Horton's "not for racist reasons". Sure.
Blonde Bigot claims that white people are being replaced.
Jason asks whether there should be limits on speech. He says that he believes there should be limits on speech when it's used to target people, which as mentioned previously his guests have been doing.
Finally Bethan describes herself as an "accelerationist". She also praised Jason for inviting Christine on even though he doesn't agree with her views, and even though Jason repeatedly said that he largely agrees with Christine.
So Jason invited three blatant racists on his show, allowed them to spew racism with little push back and a lot of agreement. What's that make him?

Saxon Murray

Thread: January 30, 2023 I've written about Veterans 4 Freedom a few times regarding ...