Thursday, 31 October 2024

Anti-LGTBQ+ bully Josh Bigger threatens the Niagara Catholic District School Board

Josh Bigger (AKA: "Mr Freedom") first became prominent in the "Freedom" movement for his involvement at the Ottawa convoy/occupation where his appearance shared a passing resemblance to Jake Angeli, the "QAnon Shaman" who was sentenced to 41 months in prison for his role at the January 6th Capitol insurrection.

After the convoy he made the news over a social media video where he claimed that he charges his liberal customers more than other people. He has also engaged with the far-right. He's been on livestreams with the white nationalists of Diagolon. In one such stream they discussed "the Jewish question" and questioned the Holocaust. Bigger has also shared his own antisemitic posts on social media.
Josh has also expressed belief in some of the more ridiculous conspiracy theories, such as flat earth, fake moon landings, and chemtrails.
Lately he has made a name for himself by harassing the LGTBQ+ community and their supporters. He attended a protest against a Toronto drag story-time event where Neo-Nazis attended and gave roman salutes. He barged into a drag story time event in St Catharines and screamed profanities at children. When interviewed at an LGTBQ+ counter protest he bullied the journalist who spoke with him. Bullying is a common behaviour of his. Even when his supporters criticize him he berates them with body shaming insults.
His most recent target has been the Niagara Catholic District School Board. Last week he was kicked out of a board meeting where he told the board members they were all going to hell for flying the pride flag.
It's Josh's behaviour after the meeting which concerns me the most. In a video he streamed shortly after he discusses how he has been trespassed from the building.
He refers to one of the board members as a diddler.
And eventually he ends up threatening the board members.
"I think these people... should have their necks stretched"
This is not the first time that he has threatened people for flying pride flags at schools.
He is also encouraging his followers to harass the school board members and is giving out their phone numbers.
The responses from his supporters were equally as disgusting, with people calling the board members pedophiles and making threats.
The interesting thing is that Josh doesn't have children in any Catholic school. He isn't even catholic nor Christian, nor does he go to church.
In fact Josh home-schools his children. Presumably to learn how to work on a roof without proper safety harnesses.
Josh claims that he plans to attend the next NCDSB meeting, regardless of whether he has been trespassed or not. We'll just have to see what happens.

Saxon Murray

Thread: January 30, 2023 I've written about Veterans 4 Freedom a few times regarding ...